January: The Time To Get Your Garden Spring Ready

There’s a lot to do to get the garden spring-ready. Not sure where to start? We have a small list of four things all gardeners should do during the winter to help prepare for the spring harvest.

Gardening Resolutions

With a new year comes a list of resolutions, and gardeners are not in the clear. Keeping a list of things to remain aware of, work towards, and do is a great way to prepare for the spring season.

Things like keeping an organized shed, weeding, pest control, and pruning are a great place to begin!


There is no shortage of packaging and used wrapping paper after the holidays. Luckily, the garden is a great place to reuse some of these items! This article lists a few examples such as:

  • Suppress weeds and begin warming the ground with any cardboard boxes or black plastic.
  • Bubble wrap can provide an extra layer of insulation to a greenhouse while smaller strips can be used to wrap containers. This helps to keep plants warm during the chilly weather.
  • Wreaths that have berries can be used to feed birds, while any with pine needles can be used as an ericaceous mulch.
  • Some leftovers are great for feeding garden birds as well! Just be sure to avoid anything with salted nuts, chocolate, or cooking fat.

Prepare The Soil

It is essential to prepare the soil for planting. Gardeners can begin to weed, feed, and mulch the soil. By doing this early, gardeners ensure the ground is ready for planting much sooner!

However, it is important to ensure the ground isn’t frozen! Mulching a frozen ground will only trap the coldness in the soil while digging will damage the soil’s structure.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

Additionally, it can be helpful to add a layer of compost to the soil. This can help improve the pH balance of the soil allowing for plants to thrive.

Finally, any green manures grown throughout the winter should be chopped back and dug into now. This allows plenty of time before planting and sowing for the cover crops to die back and refuel the soil.

Install Proper Protection

Another great thing to do during the winter is to install proper protection and weather-proofing. High winds are known for causing a lot of damage to a garden. The best way to ensure the garden stays safe is to reduce the wind’s impact.

Rather than force the wind over the top as a solid boundary would, a filtering barrier—like a hedge or wooden hurdle—will diffuse the wind, reducing the strength and damage potential. Plus it’s a great addition to any garden!
