Here in the NE, we are on our third week of 90 degree temperatures, today we likely will hit 100. We have air conditioning, so we don’t mind as much personally. However, our plants are hurting. Particular plants that were about to flower have since shriveled up, many have leaves turning brown, and there are cracks in the soil. Even a few old faithfuls are not doing so well this summer. What can we do?
We do a daily deep watering of everything planted this year. We water mostly in the evenings. I built a mini retaining wall for the plants on the hill. We don’t use fertilizer or pesticides of any sort, so that is out. I will not plant anything in this heat in case it dies before it gets established. What else can we do? What are you doing to keep your garden healthy during this time of year?
I must confess that our yard and garden are normally my mother’s domain. She loves playing in the dirt and bringing beauty out of what look like sticks to everyone else. We have called her more than once asking if a particular plant was a weed. So far, I am really proud of us for doing such a good job in “Baba’s garden”. However, I do believe it is time to call her again for her advice.