For gardeners with limited space, trees can be a great addition. This is especially true for those folks looking to add more height, shade, or privacy to their small gardens.
But before you start, make sure to do some research to find a tree that will best fit your location, space, and aesthetic.
Important Considerations
Trees are known for their large network of roots. Because of this, it’s essential to do some research on what kind of tree you’re considering before starting, particularly when looking to grow them in containers.
Ideally, gardeners should be able to lift out the tree they choose, especially while the tree is still young. This is because, while the tree grows, gardeners should add fresh loam-based compost to the bottom of the container for the roots to grow into.
After the tree is fully established, gardeners will need to do some root pruning; this is best done during the winter months.
Choosing the Right Size Container
Make sure to choose a container that is the proper size for your tree. A small young tree should not be placed in a large container; this seems counterintuitive, but the tree won’t have enough roots to take up the water causing the soil to retain moisture and allow for root rot.
In contrast, it’s also important to ensure the container isn’t too small. Plants need room to spread their roots, otherwise, the roots will be restricted and eventually grow to be overcrowded.
And Selecting the Best Soil
In addition to the container size, it’s essential to think about the type of soil to use. For the best results, Express recommends open and friable soil. This allows the plants to take in oxygen, water, and other nutrients without holding in too much moisture.

Trees to Consider
Dwarf cultivators are a great choice to spruce up a garden. These smaller trees are known to maintain their size and are fairly easy to grow. The dwarf lilac and Syringa meyeri are two great choices for anyone looking to include flowering trees in their garden.
Additionally, individuals could choose to grow a dwarf fruit tree; many of these trees are self-fertile but all are great for multi-functioning gardens.
Overall, the best trees to grow in pots include the dwarf lilac, ficus carica, dwarf patio apple tree Malis “Red Spur,” and even the Sambucus nigra “Black Lace.”
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, there are many other choices for gardeners to consider as well, just make sure to do some research before planting to make sure your plant succeeds.
Looking to learn more about gardening? Look no further. Our blog posts a new gardening article every week. From starting your own compost at home to growing your own kitchen herb garden, we have information to help your gardening start.