How To Keep Your Garden Blooming Into The Fall

Just because summer is ending, doesn’t mean your time in the garden needs to end as well. There are many flowers that can be added to a garden, blooming and filling it with new, colorful life.

Not sure what flowers bloom later? Check out some hardy Asters or the vibrant Autumn Joy Sedum plants.

Aster flowers blooming
Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

Hardy Asters

These daisy look-a-likes bloom in the late summer to fall. And, with a range of colors to choose from, these plants can add some new life to the garden.

According to, the aster does best in locations that have well-draining soil and full sun. However, gardeners should be wary, the aster is sensitive to wet soil. In fact, it is known to be susceptible to powdery mildew and root rot, especially when placed in sub-tropical climates.

While adding some new color to the garden, asters are also known to attract various wildlife including bees, butterflies, and birds. These flowers are also perfect for the gardener living in areas with high deer populations as the aster is a naturally deer-resistant plant.

Autumn Joy Sedum

Autumn Joy Sedum is a vibrantly colored plant that can provide gardens with a clean, polished look. The flowers will typically start blooming in the late summer and will remain open into the middle of fall, blooming for an average total of eight weeks.

The Autumn Joy Sedum is known to grow well in various temperatures and climates. However, it will start to die back and lie dormant as soon as the first touches of frost hit. They will grow best in a location that has moist, fertile soil where the plants can receive full sun.

However, the plants are known to also thrive in drier, poorer soils, adding to their versatility. Just be sure the soil isn’t too soggy, as this will kill off the plants.

If those plants don’t appeal to your aesthetic, try taking your garden indoors! Plants like succulents, herbs, and other household plants can add a new life to your home.
