Try Adding Succulents to Your Indoor Garden

Succulents can be great additions to indoor gardens. It is often touted that these plants are the easiest to grow. However, they are not as simple to care for as one may think. There are a few things to know before starting to care for a succulent.

Succulents for Indoor Gardening
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

First thing’s first, what exactly are succulents?

Succulents are a kind of plant that stores water in their leaves. This tends to result in a thicker, fleshier kind of leaf on the plant.

These plants thrive in dry climates that do not have too much humidity and are able to survive with limited water resources.

They have adapted differently than other plants. This means care for them is a bit different than what some gardeners may be used to. However, they can still be easy to care for. Here are some tips to help anyone struggling to keep their succulents alive.

Choosing the Right Succulent

It is important to note that certain types of succulents do better indoors than others. A majority of succulents come from warm, arid climates and require good air circulation and breathing room to survive. Because of this, a majority of succulents are easier to grow outdoors rather than inside a succulent terrarium.

Succulents that will be easier to grow indoors include echeveria, kalanchoe, and aloe.

Echeveria is a rosette-forming succulent that is easy to care for. These plants come in a variety of colors and can be found at most nurseries. These succulents tend to thrive in containers, making them a great plant to keep indoors.

Kalanchoe is a Madagascar and South African native plant. The leaves of the plant form in a variety of shapes, flower with long-lasting blooms, and are simple to care for.

Aloe vera plants are both attractive and useful. The juice from the leaves can be applied topically to help relieve pain from burns and scrapes. The plant requires deep, but infrequent watering and can flower if tended to properly.

Proper Watering and Soil

Succulents do not need as much water as other plant species but they do still require it. To avoid over-watering, make sure the soil is nearly dry before watering again.

In addition to proper watering, succulents need the proper soil. Soil that drains well is best to use. This proper drainage will avoid forcing the plant’s roots to sit in excess water.

Using a fast-draining cactus mix for the soil is a great way to ensure proper drainage.

Succulents add distinct shapes and striking textures to any garden and can be combined in a single container to create a lovely centerpiece for the home. Just be sure to choose plants that have similar growth rates and needs as this will help the small garden thrive.

For more tips and tricks on how to grow an indoor garden, be sure to follow The Senior Security Alliance USA. We provide weekly articles to help all levels of gardeners.
