There is a lot of thought about trying to repurpose things, including banana peels. While the idea to repurpose is noble, repurposing banana peels by making banana water as plant fertilizer may not be the best for your garden.
What Is Banana Water?
Banana water is cut-up peels that are immersed in water and steeped. The process can take anywhere from a few hours to days, depending on the recipe chosen. After steeping the banana peels, the liquid is strained and used to fertilize plants.
So the question is — is it worth making the strange concoction, or should you stick to traditional fertilizers?

Should You Create Your Own?
So, the question is, should you jump on this trend and start making your own banana water to help your plants?
In theory, the rich potassium from bananas could be great for plant growth and reproduction. Plus, potassium is known to help improve resistance to drought, temperature fluctuations, pests, diseases, and more.
During the process of making banana water, many people rely on potassium to be extracted into the water. Unfortunately, this is not the case. By soaking the banana peels, the desired potassium is not actually extracted in a way plants can absorb.
Additionally, potassium is only one of the many nutrients plants need to thrive. Therefore, by fertilizing plants with just banana water, you’re only providing the plants with a small amount of potassium, if the plants are able to absorb any at all.
So, the answer to the question of “is it worth it?” is — no. Traditional fertilizers, or even compost, is the better option when considering fertilizers for your plants.
More About Gardening
If you’re interested in gardening, don’t hesitate to check out the rest of our posts! From indoor gardens to hydroponics, we have the information to help ensure your garden thrives.
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