2 Gorgeous Plants Native to the West Coast

The western coast of the United States is well-known for sunny skies, low humidity, and warmer temperatures. Because of this, people often associate the west coast with more succulents than ornamental flowers. However, there are quite a few beautiful flowers native to the Pacific Coast.

Eschscholzia californica

The first western native plant we are looking at is the eschscholzia californica, more commonly referred to as the California poppy, golden poppy, California sunlight, or golden cup.

California’s state flower will start to bloom in the spring, creating vibrant hues that pop-up seemingly overnight. They reach their peak bloom in the early summertime, covering large areas with their signature bright hues.

If planted in areas with excessive water, the plants are prone to various diseases including mold, mildew, and stem rot. To avoid the diseases that come with getting waterlogged, make sure California poppies are kept in a location with well-draining, sandy soils.

Additionally, California poppies need at least six hours of direct sunlight most days. However, the more sunlight the plants can receive, the more vibrant and healthier the flowers will be.

California Poppy; Flowers native to U.S. West Coast
Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

Iris douglasiana

The iris douglasiana, or douglas iris, is known for the clumps of sword-shaped, arching leaves that are topped with blossoms that begin appearing in the spring. These blossoms are known to be a variety of colors including blue, purple, pink, yellow, and white.

The douglas iris grows best in rich, moist soils in locations that receive partial or full shading. Additionally, in drier locations, the plants will require watering every 2-4 weeks during the summertime.

The plant is deer resistant and is best when paired with plants that also prefer richer soils. Companion plants for the douglas iris include rushes, wild roses, ferns, and red columbines (another west coast native).

Planting Native

Planting more native plants can be extremely beneficial for the local environment. It can promote the growth of pollinator populations while providing low maintenance beauty. For more information on native plants for your region, be sure to check out our other posts here.
